List of Hikes
- Santa Monica Mountains
- Malibu Creek State Park
- Solstice Canyon Park
- Temescal Gateway Park
- Topanga State Park
- Will Rogers State Historical Park
- Griffith Park
- Strauss Ranch (link to
- Franklin Canyon Park (link to
- Franklin Canyon Park Write-Up (link to PDF)
- Placerita Canyon Nature Center
- Temescal Canyon Alternate Hike
- Malibu Creek Alternate Hike
- Monrovia Canyon City Park
- Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden (link to Word
docx ) - Ed Davis Park at Towsley Canyon
- Kenneth Hahn State Park (link to
- Hummingbirds at Kenneth Hahn (link to YouTube video)
Special Outings
- Tide Pooling at Abalone Cove
- Photography Outings
- Beach Outings
- Snow Trips
- Car Camping
- Backpacking
- Ballona Education Program
- Bolsa Chica
Outings by Age Group
- Outings for Kindergarten Through Second-Graders
- Outings for Third Through Fifth Grade
- Outings for Eleven to
Thirteen Year Olds - Outings for Fourteen to
Eighteen Year Olds
[Photo credit: Vicente Baldwin]