Beach Outings

Note: This process should be followed only by a Sierra Club leader.

Beach Outings

Some beaches require permits. Call to check if the beach to be visited is part of one of the following systems.

  1. Sycamore Cove/Pt. Mugu is part of a system that stretches from Leo Carrillo to Pt. Mugu. Authority in charge: CA State Parks and Recreation. Lifeguard June through Labor Day. Groups of 20 or more should make arrangements for a lifeguard for their group. Minimum cost: $100 for four hours. Phone John Regan at 310-699-1734 or 310-457-2585 or email him at jregan@parks.ca.gov .
  2. Santa Monica State Beach stretches from Marine Street to past Estrada. Authority in charge: City of Santa Monica. Need Beach Activity Permit for over 20 youths. Call Heath Hamilton: 310-458-2201 x5186
  3. From San Pedro to Malibu Authority in charge: Los Angeles County Beaches and Harbors. Lifeguard all year. Special permit and an insurance certificate of liability are needed. Fill out the permit form on the Internet. Call Pamela Miller two weeks in advance: 310-574-6756.
  4. Will Rogers Beach, Dockweiler Beach and Zuma Beach are Los Angeles County beaches.
    1. An application for a beach permit must be submitted at least two weeks priorto the event date. To obtain a beach permit click here.
    2. The permit fee can be waived for nonprofits. Show that Sierra Club is a nonprofit organization by submitting a copy of Sierra Club Foundation’s 501(c)(3) IRS letter along with your application for a beach permit. To obtain a copy of the letter click here.
    3. Sierra Club leaders need to obtain insurance at least six weeks prior to the event date by filling out the web form provided on the username and password-protected Sierra Club website: http://clubhouse.sierraclub.org/outings/Insurance/certificate.asp
    4. There is a box asking if the certificate holder (in this case, L.A. County Department of Beaches and Harbors) wants to be named as additional insured. Just click yes. Danielle Vaughan (danielle.vaughan@sierraclub.org)  will submit your insurance request. Your certificate should be ready within three weeks.
    5. Submit the permit along with proof of insurance and proof of nonprofit status to Lynn Atkinson:
      Lynn Atkinson
      Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors
      13837 Fiji Way (Trailer 5)
      Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
      Phone: (310) 305-9565
      Fax: (310) 823-6841
      E-mail: latkins@lacodbh.org
  5. Bolsa Chica and Huntington State Beach are part of the Huntington State system (I am not sure that this is accurate. I would assume that as they are state beaches, the same language you used for Sycamore Canyon would apply.  Monica’s e-mail signature says “Bolsa Chica/Huntington State Beaches”). Call special events coordinator in advance. Monika Lopez: 714-377-9422. If the teacher faxes a reservation request signed by the principal at least two weeks in advance, the parking fee is waived and the school has a reservation to park in the lot. Otherwise, if you want your bus to park in the lot, the fees are: up to 25 students-$50; up to100 students-$100.  The special events coordinator is the person to contact in order to arrange for a lifeguard.

Beach Outings

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