Scheduling Trips

To register your school or agency with Los Angeles ICO, a representative must first attend an orientation, which takes place promptly at 7:05pm, before one of ICO’s monthly Zoom meetings. The first hike can be requested at that meeting.

Our monthly meetings held on the third Monday of every month (except Jan. and Feb.). The meetings begin at 7:30 pm, but new schools or agencies must attend an orientation beginning at 7:05pmPlease contact ICO Chair Ann Salvador at asalvador77@yahoo.com to get the Zoom Meeting link.

  • Trips must be scheduled at least 4 weeks in advance, unless the school or agency provides its own transportation.
  • After the first trip, future trips are scheduled through the ICO member designated as contact person.
  • The agency liaison should check in the following issue of the Angeles ICO newsletter bulletin and with the ICO contact to verify that the trip is scheduled.

ICO hikes are closed hikes and are not published in the Angeles Chapter Schedule.

ICO & Agency Liaisons

  • ICO will assign each agency an ICO member designated as a contact person who will assist in scheduling hikes and finding leaders.
  • Each agency should appoint a liaison who will assist in making hike participants aware of how to plan for the trip and the rules on the trail.
  • The ICO contact, the liaison, and agency should have each other’s phone numbers.
  • The ICO contact needs to fill out an “ICO Outings Information Form” which the ICO Bus Coordinator keeps on file.


  • ICO provides school buses for most trips. Agencies may furnish their own transportation or sometimes the City Council members or County Supervisors donate a bus. A bus can also be rented from the city. Normally, the pick-up and final drop-off point for the kids, parents, and teachers must be within the City of Los Angeles or an adjacent, unincorporated section of Los Angeles County for this free bus service.
  • School buses hold about 56 persons.
  • Bus pick up and return times are generally:

8:30 am2:30 pm on Weekends
9:00 am2:00 pm on Weekdays

  • Changing the date or destination of a hike requires 10 days advance notice. Please contact your trip leader and the ICO Bus Coordinator.
  • If you must cancel a hike that has been scheduled, please contact your leader promptly. Buses that are not canceled at least 48 hours in advance of the hike must be paid for by ICO. It is the leader’s responsibility to cancel the bus.
  • If a bus has not arrived at the pickup point at the scheduled departure time, call the outing leader and ask that the bus company be contacted.

Where Trips Go

ICO schedules hikes in these parks most frequently:

Occasionally hiking or overnight camping trips to the San Gabriel Mountains are scheduled, with snow trips in winter. Prior to being eligible for a camping trip, an agency must participate in at least two ICO hiking trips so ICO leaders, children, and adult participants get to know one another.

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