Tide Pooling at Abalone Cove

By Shirley Hickman

Tide pooling trips are most likely to be successful if the participants have studied about marine life prior to the trip.

The best months for tide pooling in this area according to the staff at Abalone Cove are Jan., Feb., and March. Fall is also a good time of year. Before choosing a date, check the tide charts by going to www.weatherforyou.com. An ideal day is one with a tide of .5 ft or less, with the tide going out during the time of your visit.

Abalone Cove will provide knowledgeable docents who will spend two hours with your group. More information about Abalone Cove is available at www.goexplorenature.com. The website includes a map and driving directions.


Abalone Cove
5970 Palos Verdes Drive South

Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275

Contact: Jacqui Snyman
Phone: (310) 544-5309 
Email: jacquis@rpv.com
Contact: Brittany Martinez
Email: brittanym@rpv.com


Direct participants to wear sturdy shoes and to bring water, lunch, a towel, and a change of socks.

You may wish to walk west from the tide pool area to a sandy beach with a lifeguard station (but no life guard except in the summer) for a safe place to wade and eat lunch after tide pooling. No beach permit is needed. Walk up the canyon to the east of the sandy beach to return to the parking lot.


$ 5 per car

$15 per bus

In order to have fees waived for Title I schools, ask schools to send letters on school stationery verifying their Title I status at the time the trip is arranged. Send letters to:

Recreation & Parks
Attn. Holly Star
30940 Hawthorne Blvd.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275

Visit tide pools at Ocean Trails, neighboring Trump National Golf Course, on your own if Abalone Cove is unavailable:

Ocean Trails
1 Ocean Trl,
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275


[Eagles Roost snow trip. Photo credit: Vicente Baldwin]

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