Placerita Canyon Nature Center

To reserve a 2-hour docent-led program Monday through Friday, complete the following information on this link. In Special Instructions, indicate you are part of the Sierra Club ICO group.

For Saturday visits, complete the same form. In Special Instructions, indicate you are requesting a Saturday visit and provide at least 2 alternate dates.

Contact: Lanita (head of docent program), 661-259-7721.


Walker Ranch – Ages: 10+, Miles: 4

Waterfall – Ages: 11+, Miles: 5.5

Botany Hike – All ages, Miles:

Hillside Trail – All ages, Miles:

Nature Trail Loop – All ages,  Miles:

19152 Placerita Canyon Road
Newhall, CA 91321

For more information, go to their home page at the link above.

Placerita Canyon


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