Ed Davis Park at Towsley Canyon

Description: This is a great hike in northern Los Angeles County in the Santa Susana Mountains. The best time of year for this hike is fall, winter, and spring, with wildflowers, tadpoles, and snakes in April/May.


Canyon View Loop Trail   Ages: 5-7 Miles: 1.9
To the Narrows and back (200 ft elevation gain)  Ages: 5+ Miles: 3.0
Towsley Canyon Loop Trail to Don Mullally Trail (1,075 ft elevation gain)  Ages: 12+ Miles: 5.4

24255 The Old Road, Newhall, CA 91381
Take the 5 Freeway to exit 166 for Calgrove Boulevard (7 miles north of the merger of the 5 and 405 Freeways). Turn southwest on Calgrove Blvd for one-quarter mile. Turn left on Towsley Canyon Road. Park is on the right.

Link to Google Maps

After you enter the gate labeled “Rivendale Ranch at Towsley Canyon”, the bus should turn left and park along the wooden gate in the free large dirt parking area. Further inside, there is a fee parking area ($7 per vehicle).

Ed Davis Park at Towsley Canyon

Ed Davis Park at Towsley Canyon

Ed Davis Park at Towsley Canyon

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