The Ranger House was packed as Angeles ICO held its Annual Meeting last Sunday to celebrate a successful year and learn about different programs and opportunities for future trips! Co-chairs Ann M. & Ann S. planned an afternoon full of presentations, discussion activities, and of course, a yummy potluck. We heard about projects with the San Gabriel Mountains Trail Restoration Crew, using the Metro to access hikes, building leaders with the Inspiring Leadership Outdoors (ILO) program, and the new website launch. It was amazing to share the day with people so passionate about getting young people outdoors. Tips, ideas, and possibilities were discussed at tables and in break-out groups.

Two Leaders shared personal accounts of wild experiences: one assisted in a snowy mountain rescue, another hiked the Pacific Crest trail!

Four of our ICO members will be honored at the Angeles Chapter Annual Meeting in May! One of those is the legendary Sparky, who you can see on the video on our home page. She has worked with so many schools and given so much of her time to support ICO by leading outings for young children- that when she retired it was difficult to reassign leaders to all of her affiliated schools! Sparky was given an award for her incredible effort, time, and commitment to ICO. One of Sparky’s Teacher Liaisons shared how Sparky began each hike by encouraging parents who came along to allow their children to enjoy some freedom as part of their outdoors experience: walk unassisted, touch bark, cross creeks on rocks, and climb the trees (under supervision of course). These things all built confidence in the children, and she did it with grace. She will be missed, but her example will inspire us to continue building our network.
Overall, it was a wonderful Annual Meeting. ICO looks forward to having even more good news, new volunteers, and excellent programs to discuss at the next one.